Jose from Texas



from Texas

Name: Jose

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Race: Hispanic

Child Id: 838

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Jose is an energetic and social youth. He is ambitious, respectful, and outgoing. He likes to engage with his peers in social activities, particularly in competitive sports. Jose is helpful and full of personality. There is no obstacle too large for Jose to conquer, and he welcomes a healthy challenge. He puts his mind to anything and gets it done. He enjoys playing football, watching TV and engaging in other activities shared by youth of his age. He has big dreams for his future, and he expresses interest in being a leader or mogul of some kind when he becomes an adult. He possesses great leadership abilities within his current social group. He's very big on treating others the way you'd like to be treated. Jose will be a great addition to a loving forever family.

Jose's forever family will be patient, understanding, kind and supportive. His forever family will nurture his interests, social and familial connections. His family will provide consistency and security in a highly structured, loving environment. His forever family will help him reach his academic potential and build on his many strengths. His forever family will help him achieve his dreams and show him unconditional love.

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